South Florida Employment And Training Consortium (SFETC)_June to September 1979SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING 3 CONSORTIUM (SFETC) Date Memo #7552, Res. #79-15950 adopted, authorizing 6/20/79 execution of a contract by Mayor and City Clerk between S. Fla. Employment and Training Consor- tium and C.M.B. for administration of a Summer Youth Employment Program under the terms of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973, as amended. Memo #7589, Res. #79-15962 adopted, calling for an expenditure of $846,575 from Federal funds received for that purpose under Title II D of the Act; new agreement period from 4/1/79 to 9/30/79, SFETC & CMB for a Public Service Employment Program under terms of Comprehensive 7/18/79 SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING 4 CONSORTIUM (SFETC) Date Employment and Training Act of 1973, as amended. 7/1 /79 Memo #7672, Res. #79-16000 adopted, authorizing 9/5/79 execution of a Memorandum of Understanding by Mayor and City Clerk between Opportunities In- dustrialization Center, Inc., and CMB, relating to operation of a Youth Employment and Training Program, under Title IV of Comprehensive Em- ployment and Training Act of 1973, as amended, for Fiscal Year 1979/1980. Memo #7732, Res. #79-16022 adopted, author- 9/19/79 izing contract execution by Mayor and City Clerk between SFETC and CMB for a public nUTh FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING 5 CONSORTIUM (SFETC) (continued) Date service employment program under terms of CETA of 1973, as amended, contract amount $829,066 to be paid from Federal funds. V.M. Friedman suggested that Administration investi- gate possibility of part-time employment of senior citizens under this program. City Mgr. rendered brief oral report on alternatives being pursued by Staff and advised a more detailed report would be forthcoming. (See Senior Citizens, CETA of 1973) 9/19/79 City Mgr. presented 9/25/79 communication 9/26/79 from S.F.E.T.C, advising that those IID participants who at the time of their