South Florida Employment And Training Consortium (SFETC)_October to December 1979SAUTH,FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM (SFETC) Date and possible diversion of funds allocated for this program to the S.C.A.T. program, and report. 10/17/79 Memo #7827, resolution approving amendment 11/7/79 to contract between Opportunities Industrial- ization Centers, Inc. for Home Health -Related Social Services Delivery and the provision of Job Opportunities for Elderly Residents and authorizing its execution by Mayor and City Clerk. Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979. G U1N.FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT. AND TRAINING 10 CONSORTIUM (SFETC) Date Memo #7924, Res. #79-16128 adopted authorizing 12/19/79 execution of subgrant agreements between SFETC and C.M.B. for public service employment programs under terms of CETA of 1973, as amended; and rescinding Res. #79-16048, adopted 10/17/79, Commissioner Friedman requested that Administra- tion consider augmenting allocation to Jewish Vocational Services' Higher Horizons project so that provision can be made to provide employment for persons over 65 as homemakers. (See CETA of 1973)