South Shore Area Revitalization_February 1972 to September 1973SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION 1
Acquisitions for revitalization of this area Meeting Da
not discussed, per se. However policy
approved by Council. 2/2/72
Council approved motion of intent to
see capital improvements and urged City
Mgr. to give primary consideration. 2/2/72
Installation of amusement facilities
deferred to 9/20/72 9/6/72
Councilmen Rosen and Greene urged the City
step up its program to clean up areas in
South Shore area, including implementation
of Code provisions re: deputizing truck
drivers, etc. to issue citations. 11/15/72
Meeting Date
City Mgr..reports discussion on recommended
construction moratorium for six months on
South Beach:; presentation of preliminary
development plan by Planning & Zoning Director
deferred to 8/1/73 at 3 P.M. 7/18/73
Discussion on recommended construction moratorium
for six months on South Beach, City Atty. to
prepare resolution for Aug. 8 meeting calling
public hearing on 9/5/73 at 3 p.m. to consider
imposition of moratorium on construction in So.
Beach area. 8/1/73
Mayor Hall asked City Mgr. to consider possibility
of requesting ad valorem tax adjustment for owners
ofCnroNoy {�f� dtbryeco°mmenc�ation,moratorium. 8/1/73
Meeting Date
Following are excepted from above moratorium:
public buildings, proposed construction of 200
unit low -rent housing to be constructed on City -
owned land on west side of Alton Rd., any proposed
construction of public housing; hospitals and
hospital related bldgs, single family dwellings;
construction presently in progress under permits;
any plans now being processed by City's Bldg.
Dept. pursuant to existing application for a
bldg. permit; and permits for repairs and altera-
tions to existing structures. 9/5/73