South Shore Area Revitalization_September 1973 to March 1976SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION 2 Meeting Date Report on So. Shore redevelopment plans, re- quested by Dr. Haber deferred. to be re- 9/19/73 scheduled by City Mgr. Request by architect Morris Ross, on behalf of Hebrew Home for Aged, for relief from building moratorium for South Beach, for construction of 5 story add'n. located at Collins & 3rd deferred to 11/7/73. C uncil asked written opinions from City Atty. and City Mgr. as to whether this facility would be covered by "hospital and hospital related buildings" exemption. 10/17/73 SOUTH SHORE REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (NOT ON AGENDA) resolutions re: Community Development Target Area extension, City Atty. advised that Res. #75-14624 had been amended in error and that a rescinding resolution had been prepared; further, that a resolution set- ting out the target area has also been prepared. Res. #76-14997 adopted, rescinding Res. #76- 14939. Res. #76-14998 adopted amending Res. #75-14672 by extending the boundaries of the TARGET AREA, described in said Res. #75-14672, to include: Census Tract 42, bounded on the north by 23rd St; on the east by the Atlantic Ocean; 15th St. on the south to Dade Blvd. and on the west by Biscayne Bay. SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION M.B. Redevelopment Agency - 1) approval of contract with Planning Consultants Worster, Bernardi & Emmons; 2) approval of funding project, deferred to Tuesday, April 6, 1976, at 6:00 p.m. for full Council. 3 Date 3/17/76 - SEE MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - 4 Date 3/31/76