South Shore Area Revitalization_September to December 1974SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION Councilman Dr. Haber requested a list of projects which Mr. John Beyer has worked on for the City, what the fee schedules were and the total amounts involved. 6 Meeting_Date 7/10/7+ - (ADD -ON) M.B. Chamber of Commerce Board of 9/11/74 Governors communication requesting special Council meeting so as to present proposed plan for redevelopment of S. Shore area. 5_2_2s12linf.t_tim scheduled for Thursday, 10/17/74, at 7:00 p.m.. Councilman Sahl requested the City Mgr. to 11/6/74 arrange for a series of workshop meetings so as to expedite plans for S. ShoreAsymlopment SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION 7 (cont'd) Date Councilman Dr. Haber suggested that prior to 11/6/74 holding such meetings, the Council and the Administration submit questions and requests for information to the City Mgr., who will then channel them to the Chamber of Commerce, so as to provide the basis for developing an informational package. V. M. Meyerson requested the City Atty. to submit a written report as to the legal rami- fications of the creation of a Redevelopment Authority; what it necessitates by way of the Council surrendering or delegating its authority; what could be done to restore authority in event Council is dissatisfied with Authority. SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION Discussion of South Shore Redevelopment proposal to determine if a referendum of the people will be required in order to move forward with the redevelopment pro- gram and/or redevelopment authority. Requested by Councilman Dr. Wikler. Deferred to 12/11/74. Discussion of South Shore Redevelopment Proposal to determine if a referendum of the people will be required in order to move for- ward with the Redevelopment Program and/or Redevelopment Authority. Requested by Council- man Dr. Wikler. City Atty. rendered opinion that referendum 11/6/71 8 Date 11/20/74 12/11/74