South Shore Area Revitalization_December 1974 to February 1975SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION 9 (cont'd) Date is not required. Workshop meeting with M.B. Chamber of Com- merce re: South Shore Redevelopment Plan scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 19, 1974 at 4:00 p.m. 12/11/74 Discussion of South Shore Redevelopment Area 1/8/75 proposal - (Memo #4940, report from City Mgr.). Discussion held. Mayor Rosen requested City Mgr. & City Atty. to develop a "skeleton" plan for a South Shore Re- development Authority for submission at 2/5/75 meeting. V.M. Meyerson requested he be furnished with SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION 10 (cont'd) Date the various options in redevelopment; legal ramifications; and the proposal for redevelop- ment of the area through zoning as was once suggested by the Planning Dept. City Atty. again requested to furnish applicable State Law to members of Council. City Mgr. to arrange additional workshop session at end of month. 1/8/75 Presentation of Tentative Plan for South Shore Redevelopment Authority. Requested by Mayor Harold Rosen on 1/8/75. Tentatively deferred to 2/19/75, with direction that City Mgr. attempt to arrange a special meeting prior to this date. SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION Discussion of creation of South Beach Redevelopment area. Res. #75-14624 adopted, declaring South Beach Area to be a "blighted area" and declaring necessity of the rehabilitation, conser- vation and redevelopment of South Beach Area. City Atty. to review ord. pre- sented by M.B. Chamber of Commerce and distribute copies of ord. to Council with comments and recommendations. City Mgr. indicated he would solicit proposals from Urban Planners for presentation to Council. To be placed on March 12,_ 1975 agenda for rurther consideration by Council. 2/5/75 11 Date 2/19/75