South Shore Area Revitalization_April to May 1975SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION 16 (cont'd) Date Chamber of Commerce; that Committee include a representative of the senior citizens, the S. Beach hotel industry, the condominiums & small property owners in that area. 4/16/75 Request by Mr. Irwin Sawitz of Joe's Stone 5/7/75 Crab Restaurant, 227 Biscayne St., that Coun- SEE AeD� c i l adopt a resolution declaring said res tau- tN1-R,cs o", rant an historic landmark of the City of M.B. OW 14" City Atty. requested to prepare appropriate resolution for Council's consideration at May 21 1975 meeting. Res # '5-14724 adopted, Declaring Joe's Stone Crab Restaurant an his- 5/21/75 toric hallmark. Requested by Council 5/7/75. SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION 15 (cont'd) Date restaurant an historic landmark of the City of M.B. To be placed on May 7, 1975 agenda. City Atty. to render background report on this and existing applications and unique cases of hardship, and whether or not other areas should be excluded, and to be prepared with general guidelines on how application will be made. 4/16/75 Consideration of creating an Advisory Com- 4/16/75 mittee for the S. Beach Redevelopment Pro- ject. Proposed by Councilman Dr. Wikler. Deferred to 5/7/75 meeting. Councilman Dr. Wikler proposed an 11 member committee, each Councilman to make one appointment and four remaining appointments to be made by M.B. SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION 17 Date Planning Brd. notice that it will cooperate with 5/7/75 the Ad Hoc Committee for So, Shore Redevelopment. Received and filed. Consideration of creating an Advisory Committee 5/7/75 for So. Beach Redevelopment Project, (deferred from 4/16/75). Proposed by Councilman Dr. Wikler. City Atty. requested to prepare a reso- lution providing for the creation of a South Shore Redevelopment Ad Hoc Committee, to be com- prised of six members, one of whom is to be designated by M.B. Chamber of Commerce, members to be representative of the development, busi- ness, financial, residential and commercial interests of the City, including people who