South Shore Revitalization_August 1973 to May 1975SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION 18 Meeting Date Res. 73-14082 calling public hearing on 9/5/73 to consider six months' construction moratorium in So. Beach. Councilman Weinstein asked the Adminis- tration be prepared to submit development plan for area at time of hearing. Mayor Hall reiterated re- quest the Administration submit ideas re: ad valorm tax relief for owners of property affected by moratorium. 8/8/73 Res. 73-14107 adopted imposing six months' con- struction moratorium in So. Beach; 6th St. on North, Atlantic Ocean on east, U.S.Gov't. Cut on South and Biscaynn Bay on west; during this period City Council will consider the adoption of a comprehensive development plan. 9/5/73 SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION (continued) live in the particular area and have an interest in the total picture, housing as well as busi- ness, to act in an advisory capacity to the Coun- cils V.M. Meyerson suggested that prior to se- lections being made a resume of interests, ac- complishments, projects, etc., of each person to be considered, be made available to the Council. 18 Date 5/7/75 Res. #75-14723 adopted. Council members to 5/21/75 be prepared with names and background infor- mation of potential appointees for considera- tion on 6/4/75 to South Shore Redevelopment Ad Hoc Advisory Committee. M. B. Chamber of Commerce requested to submit name and back - SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION 19 (continued) Date ground information of proposed Chamber of Com- merce appointee for Council ratification. 5/21/75 Res. #75-14724 adopted, declaring Joe's Stone 5/21/75 Crab Restaurant an historic hallmark. Request ed by Council May 7, 1975. Appointments to S. Shore Redevelopment Ad Hoc 6/4/75 Advisory Committee deferred to June 18,1975 for full Council. Status report on proposals received from in- 6/4/75 terested planning firms to undertake So. Shore Redevelopment area study. City Mgr. advised Council that Administration would accept