South Shore Redevelopment_September to January 1976SOUTH SHORE REDEVELOPMENT �3 (cont'd) Lute report from City Manager. 9/18/75 Memo #5337 - Mr. David Klevens appointed as 10/1/75 7th member. Res. #75-14838 adopted, amending Res. #75-14723, providing for an increase from 6 to 7 members. Councilmanic Brd. & Committee reports: oral status report rendered on So. Shore Redevelop- ment Committee by Mr. James McDonnell, Chair- man. (Requested by Councilman Weinstein). Chair- man advised re: recommendation as to what should be done in target area; names of 3 firms quali- fied to do initial study; recommendations re- garding estaf3lishnnt of So. Shore Redevelopment SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION 24 (continued) Date Authority to be submitted no later than 1/15/76. V.M. Haber asked that Council have the opportuni- ty to review more than 3 proposals, requested 8 - 10 firms be recommended to make presentations to Council. 11/19/75 Mr. Stephen Muss, Vice Chairman of So. Shore 12/17/75 Redevelopment Ad Hoc Committee appeared. Ap- propriation of $31,400 from 1975 entitlement of Housing and Community Development Act funds to further work of Committee, approved for the following purposes: 1) $5,000 to fund travel by members of Committee; such travel expenses to first be approved by Committee and then submitted to Admin. for review, 11/19/75 SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION 25 (continued) Date members to travel under same restrictions and expense limitations as established by State law and City's policies; 2) Up to $10,000 for fee to RUDAT Team (Regional Urban Design Assistance Team); 3) $16,400 for fee to retain Stephen A. Siskind, Planner, for a 60 -day period to assist Committee. City Mgr. advised that proposed contracts with RUDAT and Planner Siskind would be submitted to Council for approval at 1/7/76 meeting. J2X17/75 (244 Authorizing execution of contract with A.I.A. 1/7/76 to provide Regional Urban Design Assistance Team (RUDAT) in connection with So. Shore Re- development. Deferred to 1/21/76, 11:00 a.m.