South Shore Redevelopment_September to January 1976SOUTH SHORE REDEVELOPMENT �3
(cont'd) Lute
report from City Manager.
Memo #5337 - Mr. David Klevens appointed as 10/1/75
7th member. Res. #75-14838 adopted, amending
Res. #75-14723, providing for an increase from
6 to 7 members.
Councilmanic Brd. & Committee reports: oral
status report rendered on So. Shore Redevelop-
ment Committee by Mr. James McDonnell, Chair-
man. (Requested by Councilman Weinstein). Chair-
man advised re: recommendation as to what should
be done in target area; names of 3 firms quali-
fied to do initial study; recommendations re-
garding estaf3lishnnt of So. Shore Redevelopment
(continued) Date
Authority to be submitted no later than 1/15/76.
V.M. Haber asked that Council have the opportuni-
ty to review more than 3 proposals, requested 8 -
10 firms be recommended to make presentations
to Council. 11/19/75
Mr. Stephen Muss, Vice Chairman of So. Shore 12/17/75
Redevelopment Ad Hoc Committee appeared. Ap-
propriation of $31,400 from 1975 entitlement
of Housing and Community Development Act funds
to further work of Committee, approved for the
following purposes:
1) $5,000 to fund travel by members of Committee;
such travel expenses to first be approved by
Committee and then submitted to Admin. for review,
(continued) Date
members to travel under same restrictions and
expense limitations as established by State
law and City's policies;
2) Up to $10,000 for fee to RUDAT Team
(Regional Urban Design Assistance Team);
3) $16,400 for fee to retain Stephen A. Siskind,
Planner, for a 60 -day period to assist Committee.
City Mgr. advised that proposed contracts with
RUDAT and Planner Siskind would be submitted to
Council for approval at 1/7/76 meeting. J2X17/75
Authorizing execution of contract with A.I.A. 1/7/76
to provide Regional Urban Design Assistance
Team (RUDAT) in connection with So. Shore Re-
development. Deferred to 1/21/76, 11:00 a.m.