South Shore Revitalization_January to February 1976SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION Res. #76-14939 ado ted, amending Community Development Target rea, so as to extend it northward to include Census Tract 42 (from 15th St., on south to Dade Blvd. and 23rd St. on north) . x`.„ /` _ `v9 SOUTH SHORE REDEVELOPMENT - 2 7A Date 1/21/76 Date Appearance of members of So. Shore Redevelopment 2/12/76 Ad Hoc Advisory Committee to consider: 1) Proposals and selection of Urban Development planner for So. Beach area; 2) Creation of a Redevelopment Authority. Reports made by Messrs. James McDonnell, Chairman, Stephen Muss, Vice Chairman, Stephen Siskind, Plan- ner, and Barton Goldberg, President, MB Chamber of Commerce, re. Item 1. So. Shore Committee recom- mended #1 Blue Ribbon Team, lead team being Wurster, Bernardi & Emmons, as set forth on attachment to Action Summary, Page 3. Councilman Meyerson's motion to commend Committee for its work to date, the entire selection procedure, and to invite the #1 Blue Ribbon Team, particularly the lead team, SOUTH SHORE REDEVELOPMENT - 29 (continued) Date and whatever other parts of consortium that would be available, at most expeditious time, to a regu- larly -scheduled or specially -scheduled meeting of City Council, failed of passage. Motion that re- commendation of S. Shore Committee and City Mgr. be accepted, was approved and City Mgr. was author- ized to commence negotiations with recommended #1 Blue Ribbon Team. Councilman Weinstein requested that City Mgr. make available to him and other members of Council who desire, copies of resume and background information of each firm encompassed. Councilman Meyerson requested City Mgr. to submit in writing his recommendation in connection with creation of Redevelopment Authority and that recom- mendation have foundation of legal opinion of City 2/12/76