Library (Main)_June 1971 to November 1973Li bra -d Oma.'kn) LIBRARY (Main) 1 Meeting date Repairs to granite veneer - deferred. 6-2-71 ..." " : one bid re- jected; to be readvertised. Adm to investigate if faulty construction, con- sult with City Atty re recourse. 9-1-71 ...-to Caribbean Marble Co.,$39,500. ($42,000 from Contingency Funds; see file for City Atty report, opinion). 10-6-71 Memo 4308 -Purchase of library books awa rded !au" / 4 The Baker & Taylor Co. $20,000 to be funded from Fed. Rev. Sharing . 12/12/73 LIBRARY (Main) 1A Meeting Date Memo 4278: McNaughton Book Service Inc. awarded a 1 -year book rental contract for $5,232. 11/21/73