Library South Shore Branch_August to November 1963t f3no.m, C h01v.3r -A) LIBRARY (SOUTH SHORE BRANCH) Contract for construction of South Shore Branch Library awarded to Aaon Construction Co., $32,643.00 8-7-63 46 62 Aaon Construction defaults on above contract. Res. #11051 authorizing assignment to A. S. Greene Construction Co. 9-4-63 46 126 Contracts for lighting fixtures for South Shore Library awarded to low bidders. 10-16-63 46 205 Contract for bookstacks for S. Shore Library awarded to Estey Corp. $2,994.35 11-6-63 46 234 1 Book Page LIBRARY ( SOUTH SHORE BRANCH) 2 charging Book Page Contract for/deskgforr S. Shore Library awarded to Casemaster, $399.79 11-6-63 46 234 Contracts for 8 items of furniture for S. Shore Library awarded to Tropic Textile & Furniture and Furniture Showrooms, Inc. 11-6-63 46 234 Memo 137-82, St. Contr. purchase of periodical 3/17/82 subscriptions for City libs., file ref. 39-82, awarded to Moore -Cottrell Subscription Agencies, Inc. under St. Contr. ICOP 80-01 for purchase of 185 subscriptions as follows: (cont' d)