Miami Beach Marina (Contracts)_October 1978 to January 1979MOJA % �dac (� 4 \ckr ' r��rti MIAMI BEACH MARINA (Contracts) 1 Date Memo #7132, Res. #78-15737 adopted, M.B. Marina 10/18/78 MP -36, bid amount; $1,386,000 awarded, Atlantic Foundation Co., Inc., to include the work of Deductive Alternates D-7 and D-8, and Change Order No. 1, together with a 90 -day extension of time for constructing the dockmaster pier. The award is subject to the contractor meeting all the conditions of the grant and approval of the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Dept. of Commerce. (See M.B. Marina) Memo #7149, contract for breakwater for M.B. 10/18/78 Marina, MP -36, Change Order No. 1, (additional time and work), amount: increase $29,013.14, extension of time: 49 days. Not reached. MIAMI BEACH MARINA (Contracts) 2 (continued) Date Deferred to 10/19/78. 10/18/78 Memo #7149, contract for breakwater for M.B. 10/19/78 Marina, MP -36, Change Order No. 1, in entry of 10/18/78, approved. Memo #7297, Miami Beach Marina, MP -36, Change 1/17/79 Order No. 2, (additional work), amount: in- crease $1,849,120, extension of time: none. Deferred to Feb. 7, 1979. Redevelopment Agency to provide all necessary backup prior to Com- mission's consideration of this matter.