Motorcycles & Servicycles_December 1960 to May 1968j a( -c C_NeS affia.Sem +dc-le_s MOTORCYCLES & SERVICYCLES Action on bids for motorcycles deferred. City Mgr. to check about dealers outside Dade County. 12-21-60 43 371 Bids for motorcycles for Police Dept. and Metered Parking System rejected. 1-4-61 43 382 Contracts for 7 motorcycles and 2 servi-car motorcycles awarded. Trade-ins sold to Irwin Slitkin. 2-1-61 43 416 Contract for three 2 -wheel motorcycles awarded to Billy Temple, $4,546.95 net. Book 1 Page 7-1-64 47 106 Md'I'OrCYCL1J`S & Servicyc1e Contract for gasoline powered motor motor scooter, police vehicle type, awarded to Dade -Cushman Motor Sales, $1,606.38 4-7-65 48 511 Award of contract for motorcycles for Police Dept. deferred to March 16 meeting. 3-2-66 50 136 Award of contract for motorcycles for Police Dept. deferred to April 13, 1966. 4-8-66 50 215 Award of contract for motorcycles (3) for Pol ice Dept. awarded to Harley Davidson, $1,955.10 ea. total $5,865.30. 5-3-68 51 570 Book Page