Motorcycles And Servicycles_December 1968 to December 1972MOTORCYCLES AND SERVICYCLES Contract awarded for four 3 -wheel motorcycles as follows: Dade Cushman Motor Sales, one Cushman Haulster, $1,689.50; Harley-Davidson of Miami, Inc., 3 Model 69GE $2,150. each. 12-18-68 :ouncil approved purchase of 5 Harley Davidson iachines & 5 mobile motor radios, at net cost )f $15,187.25. Memo 2088. 5/12/69 3 BOOK PAGE 54 99 54 422 MOTORCYCLES and SERVICYCLES 4 motorcycles from Harley Davidson, for $9,000. 4 motorcycles - from Harley Davidson, for $10,232.50. 3 vehicles (3 -wheeled motorcycles) for Metered Pkg. to Dade Cushman Motor Sales and 2 vehicles for Police Dept. to Harley Davidson 6/2t/72 6 Solo Motocycles to Harley-Davidson of Miami, $16,469.30 12/6/72 -4- Meeting date 10-21-70 12-16-70 MOTORCYCLES and SERVICYCLES 5 Meeting Date 6 Three -wheeled vehicles to Kenyon Sales Distributors, $11,204. 2/7/73 Memo 4249 -Four 3 -wheeled vehicles for metered parking div. awarded Nivel,Inc. for $7,992. 11/7/73 Memo 4339 - 4 solo motorcycles awarded to Harley-Davidson Of Miami, $12,216.80. 12/19/73 Memo 4576 Five 3 -wheeled vehicles for Metered Parking Div. awarded to Nivel Inc.,as best bidder, quoting $10,190.00&rejecting apparent low bidder Kenyon Sales Distributors. 6/5/74