Mowing Equipment_March 1972 to December 1979MOW I O 1I 1 PMFN7 Awarded to Hector Turf & Garden, Inc. $9,884. 3/15/72 Power rotary mower and mowing tractor to: Hector Turf and Garden, Item 1, $3,390 12/6/72 Debra Turf &.Equipment, Item 2, $3,735. Memo 3766 12/6/72 Meeting date Memo #6608, mowing equipment, bid amount 12/21/77 $16,400.00. Awarded, Hector Turf & Garden, Items 2,3, & 4, $11,500.00; De Bra Turf & Industrial Equipment, Item 1, $4,900.00. Memo #7004, bids rejected, providing one 76" 8/2/78 professional mower. Administration authorized MOWING EQUIPMENT 2 (continued) Date to rebid under revised specifications. 8/2/78 Memo #7913, purchase of 2 mowers for Parks 12/19/79 Div., and 2 mowers for Golf Div., under Federal Contract #GS -07S-03665, bid amount: $23,862.30. Awarded, Debra Turf & Industrial Equipment, local dealer, under GSA contract award to Excel Industries, Inc. Funds avail- able from Water Rate Lump Sum Settlement (Commission Memorandum #7791). Memo #7914, purchase of 1 mower for Golf Div. 12/19/79 under Federal Contract #GS -07S-03677, bid amount: $4,897.70. Awarded, Hector Turf & Garden, Inc.