North Shore Community Center Contracts_November 1961 to January 1975NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER CONTRACTS 3 Book Page Contracts for lighting fixtures for North Shore Community Center awarded to low bidders. 11-1-61 44 257 Contract for illuminated sign for North Shore Community Center awarded to Claude Southern Corp., $1,978.00 5-2-62 44 488 No.Shore Comm. Ctr. Improvements, PB-80:awarded 6/19/74 to Jack Yanks Const.Co., quoting $197,219 and appropriation of $100,000 from Fed.Rev. Sharing Funds, Entitlement Period V, approved. NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER CONTRACTS 4 DATE Memo #4776, Change Order No. 1, approved 10/2/74 in amount of $3,472.00 increasing contract to $200,691.00, improvements, PB -80. Memo #4860, North Shore Community Center Improvement, PB -80, deferred to 12/11/74, with direction to City Atty. to review con- tract and specifications and to submit an opinion as to whether it is the contractor's or the City's responsibility for the condi- tions leading to submission of these change orders. North Shore Community Center Improvement, 12/11/74 PB -80. Memo #4860. Not reached. Deferred to 12/18/74. 11/20/74 NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER CONTRACTS 5 Date North Shore Community Center Improvement, 12/18/74 PB -80, Memo #4860. City Atty. rendered opinion that contractor may be to blame for collapse of portion of floor in building. City Atty, City Mgr., Public Works Director and Architect to meet and investigate and City Atty. to report back at 1/8/75 meeting. City Atty. reports: Report on North Shore 1/15/75 Community Center Improvement Project (to be submitted). Not reached. Deferred to 2/5/75 meeting.