North Shore Community Center Contracts_February 1975 to July 1976NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER CONTRACTS 6 Date Report on North Shore Community Center Improvement Project, deferred from 1/15/75. Deferred to 2/19/75. 2/5/75 Report on North Shore Community Center Im- provement Project. (deferred from 2/5/75) Adm. recommendation for settlement approved. Res. # 75-14631 adopted, providing for $3,000 reduction from original amount ($42,725) in question, and approving 60 -day extension of contract. 2/19/75 Memo #5045, additional payments in the amount of $9,135.90 to architect for redesign of No. Shore Community Center, PB -80 in conjunction with change orders No. 2 & 3 to Jack Yanks NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER CONTRACTS 7 (coned) Date Construction Co. approved. 3/12/75 Memo #5250, No. Shore Community Center improve- 8/6/75 ments, PB -80, Change Order No. 4, in amount of $268.18, increasing contract from $239,725.00 to $239,993.18, approved. Memo #5636, No. Shore Community Center improve- 4/7/76 ments, PB -80, Change Order No. 5 in amount of $1,519.00 approved, increasing contract from $239,993.18 to $241,512.18, Memo #5800, food concession contract at N. 7/21/76 Shore Community Center from date of award until 9/30/78. Res. #76-15092 adopted,