North Shore Open Space Project (Contracts)_July 1976 to February 1977NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PROJECT (Contracts) 6 (continued) Date Memo #5809, change order #2, for landscaping - extension of contract 90 days from 4/20/76 to 7/20/76. Memo #5810, change order #2, for structures - increase of $4,554.00. Memo #5811, change order #3, for structures - credit of $9,165.00. Memo #5812, change order #4, for structures - extension of contract 151 days from 2/5/76 to 7/5/76. 7/21/76 Memo #5900, power rotary mower for Parks Divi- 10/6/76 sion for No. Shore Open Space Park, awarded, Hector Turf and Garden, Inc., best bidder meet- ing specifications, quoting $4,700.00. NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PROJECT (Contracts). 7 Date Nemo 6165, contract summary of North Shore 2/2/77 Open Space Park (deferred from 1/19/77). l.a)Landscaping contract, Memo #6131, Change order #3,(contract extension of 105 days); amount - no change, approved. b)Memo #6132, decrease in contract (under - run of estimate); amount: decrease $35,606.63, approved. 2.a)Grading and Paving contract- Memo #6133, change order #2, (contract extension of 121 days); amount - no change, a roved. b)Memo #6134, decrease in contract, under - run of estimate); amount: decrease $2,110.41 approved. NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PROJECT (Contracts) 8 (continued) Date 3.a)Structures contract, Memo #6135, change order #5(additional work); amount: in- crease $4,760.19, approved. b)Memo #6136, change order #6, (contract extension of 88 days and liquidated damages - 32 days); amount: decrease $1,600.00 approved. c)Memo #6137, revised, increase in contract, (overrun of estimate); amount: increase $37,842.18 approved. 4. Appearance of project architect, Mr. George Smith, and City Engineer. Administration requested to review statements of Messrs. Marks and Smith relative to establishing procedures for change order approval which 2/2/77