Office Furniture (Contracts)_January 1974 to October 1977iC.e For 6t-t-0 t2 CC.Qnt- Ci{)
Meeting Date
Ment cctiL rolAaamineistratff ion otricesre for 1/16/74
to Decora Steel City, 2 items $1,273.24;
United Office Furn. Wholesalers 3 items
$1,283.82; Al nason Furniture Showrooms,
1 item $256.25; Office Furniture Discount,
Inc. 4 items, $1,185.00; Warehouse Equip-
ment & Service Specialists 4 items $1,694.04.
Total $5,692.35.
Memo #6310, purchase of approximately 155 desks 5/4/77
and credenzas for New City Hall, amount $51,439
(estimated), awarded, Speedcraft Office Furni-
ture, Inc., to be funded from Municipal Admini-
stration Building Bond Fund. Morton Goudiss,
(continued) Date
attorney representing the low bidder, Speedcraft
Office Furniture, Inc., advised that his client
will meet all objections set out in the letter
of April 5, 1977, sent by Mr. Bleemer, Design
Consultant, except for Item 3, wherein they
would use masonite instead of plywood. 5/4/77
Memo #6345, 168 lateral steel file cabinets, 5/18/77
$36,000.00 (estimated) awarded Interroyal Corp.
Funding from Municipal Administration Building
Bond Fund Acct. No. 6-320-2609.17.
Memo #6520, provide and install approximately 10/5/77
63 table units in New City Hall, bid amount
$8,101.00, awarded, Central Stationers.