Ocean Outfall Extension_March 1969 to July 1976Ocean Outfall Extension Bid #324, to Powell Bros. Inc., for $868,330. 3/19/69 (Funds appropriated from 1968 Ocean Outfall Bond Fund in amount of $900,000 to cover investigation, design, construction and inspection and contingencies.) Book Page 54 308 Meeting date -to Powell Bros.Inc., Change Orders 9-2-70 1, 2 - $7,475. Memo #5792, funds for emergency repair and 7/7/76 capping of ruptured diffuser on Sanitary Ocean Outfall, MP -111. Council approved, after -the -fact payment to Powell Brothers OCEAN OUTFALL EXTENSION (Contracts) (continued) Service for the repair work, and confirmed the action required to complete the repairs. 2 Date 7/7/76