Office Supplies (Contracts)_June 1972 to October 1976OFFICE SUPPLIES (CONTRACTS) 2 r Meeting Date Approved purchase of 1 Multilith Offset Duplicator, Model 1250LW at $5,682.48. 1 yr. start 10/1/72 to: Barnett's Office Supplies, Central Stationers, Sunshine Stationers 6/2T/72 9/20/72 Memo 4145: 1 yr. awarded Barnett's Office Supplies, effective 10/1/73. 9/5/73 Memo #4754, office supplies for a 6 mos 9/19/74 period awarded Sunshine Stationers, Inc., total estimated expenditure $10,000.00. Memo #4943, carbonless paper for City Print 1/15/75 Shop for 1 yr period. Awarded, Unijax Inc., OFFICE SUPPLIES (CONTRACTS) 3 (cont'd) Date for Blue Image Paper and Southern Paper Co., for Black Image Paper; estimated expenditure $7,000 for 1 yr period from 1/24/75. 1/15/75 Memo #5054, Office supplies for a 6 mo. period. Awarded, Central Stationers Inc., from 4/1/75 thru 9/30/75; estimated expenditure $7,000.00. 3/19/75 Memo #5277, Office Supplies for 6 mos., awarded, 9/3/75 Barnett Office Supplies, lowest overall bidder, quoting $3,009.56 for 131 items, period from 10/1/75 to 3/31/76. Extimated expenditure for 6 mos., $7,000.00. Memo #5473, purchase of carbonless paper for 1/21/76 City printing facility for 6 mos. awarded OFFICE SUPPLIES (CONTRACTS) 4 (continued) Date Saxon Paper Corp. of Fla. blue image papers; Southern Paper Co. black image papers, for total estimated expenditure of $4,000,00. 1/21/76 Memo #5557, purchase of office supplies for 3/3/76 1 yr, 4/1/76-3/1/77, awarded, Barnett's Office Supplies, 39 items and 2 tie items: Central, 57 items and 1 tie item; Sunshine Stationers, 29 items and 3 tie items, with alternate awards to second lowest bidder for each item should low bidders fail to meet delivery schedules on needed items, estimated annual expenditure, $14,000.00. Memo #5898, carbonless paper for City printing 10/6/76 facility for 6 mos. from date of award, awarded,