Paint/Painting Contracts_January 1958 to September 1962\)".: \" / ,,%nein COM -MOS
PAINT (Contracts) 14
Bpok Page
Contract for 200 gals red lead paint
for City Shops awarded to Wm. Armstrong
Smith Co., $1,046.00 1-2-58 40 187
Contract for 600 gals. red lead
paint awarded to Wm. Armstrong Smith,
$2,754.00 6-17-59 42 122
Contract for 1,000 gals. White
traffic paint awarded to Dragert Co.,
$2,400.00 6-17-59
Contract for relead aintt or painting
elevated tank ats Stan Alton Rd.
awarded to Wm. Armstrong, $742.50
1-6-60 42 428
42 123
PAINT (Contracts)
Contract for 2,000 gallons of
white traffic pa' t awarded to
Somay Products, 54,429.60
2-3-60 42 452
Book Page
Contract for 500 gals yellow
traffic paint for Police Traffic
Dept. awarded to Silver Paint Co.,
$1,010.00 2-3-60 42 453
Contract for 200 gals. yellow traffic
paint awarded to Somay Products $426.00
9-6-61 44 193
Contract for yellow traffic paint,
300 gals., awarded to Somay Products,
$555.00 9-5-62 45 90