Paint (Contracts) November 1975 to May 1972PAINT (Contracts) (cont'd) Tower Paint Mfg., Silver Paint Co., total esti- mated expenditure $10,000 for period 12/6/75 to 12/5/76. 6 Date 11/19/75 Memo #6021, paint contracts for 1 -yr. period 11/24/76 from 12/6/76 to 12/5/77, awarded, lowest bidders meeting specifications with alternate awards to second bidders in event minimum orders cannot be met, as follows: base awards- Somay Products, 24 items; Stein Paint,10 items; Commercial Coat- ings, 5 items; Harris Paint, 3 items, total ex- penditure, $10,000, estimated. Memo #6665, paint and paint products for 1 yr., 1/18/78 bid amount: $11,000.00, awarded to lowest PAINTING CONTRACTS 7. Book Page Contract for painting 63rd St. bridge and overpass awarded to Nicholas Wm. Rosetta, $1,560.00 12-21-60 43 370 Contract for painting 81st St. foot- bridge awarded to W & R Painting Co., $365.00 2-15-61 43 481 Contract for painting Flamingo Park Swimming Pool awarded to Touby Painting Corp., $758.00 3-15-61 44 4 Contract for painting exterior of Normandy Isle Swimming Pool awarded to Einar Raamat, $485.00 5-15-63 45 450 PAINTING CONTRACTS 8 Meeting date Painting various City bldgs- $6040.-to Venis Painting & Decorating. -to Pablo Aguilera, $10,389. Bids rejected, readvertisement authorized on painting of exterior of Lincoln Lane double deck. Painting of Bridges awarded to Pablo Aguilera Pinting Contractor -$2,592. Painting of Lincoln Lane Double Deck Parking Structure awarded to Pablo Aguilera $4,500. 6-24-70 8-18-71 4/5/72 4/19/72 5/3/72