Paper Products_August 1957 to December 1971PAPER PRODUCTS (See
Contracts for paper
Contracts for paper
Chemicals, etc.) Book''Page
products awarded
8-7-57 41 474
products awarded
12-10-58 41 251
Contracts for chemicals and paper
for City's requuirement from date
of card thru Aug. 31, 1963 awarded
to various low bidders. 3-6-63 45 363
Contract for chemical and paper
requirements from date of award thru
Feb. 28, 1964 awarded 10-2-63 46 191
Contracts for city's chemicals and paper
required for period from date of award
thru Feb. 1966 awarded. 2-17-65 48 356
Bid #331,Memo 2040,awarded for paper goods
(annual) to Dade Paper & Bag Co.,Items 2 & 5;
Graco Paper Co.,Items 3 & 4; Everglades
Paper Co.,Items 1 & 6. 4/16/69 54 356
Meeting date
Book Page
-for 1 -yr, to lowest
-To several companies
Total $14,759.25.
for 1 yr. -
3 -17-71
Paper towels & dispensers for Aud & Cony. Halls
Contract awarded to American Paper Co. for 2 -yrs.
approx. $2,050.00 per year. (only bidder
meeting specifications.)