Parking Areas_February 1959 to April 1960PARKING AREAS 36 Contract for sidewalk, curb, wall Book Page and culvert for PA -29 awarded to A. S. Greene Construc. $2,693.80 2-18-59 41 393 Contract for asphaltic concrete for PA -29 awarded to Pan Amer. Construc. Co., $702.00 3-4-59 41 418 Contract for concrete work for Parking Area PA -32 awarded to Irving Fischer Contracting Corp., $2,540.00 8-5-59 42 209 PARKING AREAS BookPage Contract for asphaltic concrete wearing surface for H-474; PA -35 and PA -36 awarded to Pan American Construction Co., $2,484.00 1-6-60 42 426 Appropriation of $11,786.30 from 1958 Parking Revenue Bond funds for development of parking area on Lots 1 and 2, Block D, Atlantic Heights Sub., (east side of Harding, north of 69th St.) authorized 3-16-60 43 23 Contract for curb, sidewalkor PA -37 awarded to Harris Paving, S774.15 (w.side Dickens at 73rd St.) 4-6-6o i 43 46 PARKING AREAS Contract for pit rock for PA -37 Morris, Inc. $262.50 Book Page 4-6-6o 43 47 Contract for concrete sidewalk, curb, masonry wall and drain culvert for PA -38, awarded to Giller & Fryd $1,943.90 4-6-6o 43 47 Contract for pit rock for PA -38 awarded to L. C. Morris $936.00 4-6-6o 43 47 Contract for as bhaltic concrete for PA37 and PA�3i awarded to Pan American Construction Co., $1,375.40 4-20-60 43 62