Parking Areas_August 1963 to May 1965PARKING AREAS
Book Page
Contract for concrete sidewalk, curb
and masonry wall for PA -48 and PA -49
awarded to Greenleaf Construction Co.
$3,813.85. 8-21-63 46 89
Bidsfor asphaltic concrete wearing
surface for Parking Area PA -50 rejected
and readvertisement authorized.
10-16-63 46 206
Contract forasphaltic concrete wearing
surface for PA -50 awarded to Pan Amer.
Construc. Co. $594.00 11-6-63 46 233
Contract for concrete sidewalks, curbs & wall
for various municipal parking areas -
PA -46, PA -54, PA -55, PA -56, awarded to
Joe W. Sullivan Concrete Service, Inc.
$17,883.80 3-3-65 48 394
Book Page
Contract for pit rock for various municipal
parking areas awarded to Chris -Wheeler
Rock Co. $8,364.00 1-20-65 48 321
Patt of
Contract for asphaltic concrete wearing
surface for various municipal parking
areas awarded to Brewer Co. of Fla., Inc.��
$5,848.20 (excluding PA56 and
Bart of PA55) 4-7-65 48 510
City Mgr. advises above contractor cannot
accept partial award at unit price bid and
requested balance of contract left be
readvertised. City Mgr. recommends rejection
of bids. 5-5-65 49 66