Parking Meter Contract_December 1967 to April 1976PARKING METER CONTRACT
Corp. for 2400 parking meters, net total
$96,754.88. 12-20-67 52 455
Bid #334, deferred to 5/21/69. 5/12/69 54 420
Bid #334 deferred for full Council. Ciment said
Parking Committee should review first. 5/21/69 54 444
Bid #334 awarded to Duncan Industries for
Items 1,2,3 -- $194,000. Items 4 & 5 to be
purchased as needed. During 1st yr. 2000 meters,
2500 yokes to be purchased at total cost of
$84,480. Appropriation of funds necessary
authorized from Current Fund to be later reim-
bursed from Surplus Fund of Metered Parking
System. 6/11/69
54 490
City to purchase 650 meters from
Duncan Industries under present contract
(436.54: $23,751. 3-3-71
Memo 4306 -parking meters & accessories for
2 -yr. period to Duncan Industries- Meters/
collection carts $171,077. Parking meter
surplus funds (parts) estimated to spend
$12,500. per year less cash discount. 12/12/73
Meeting date
Memo #5660, award of 1976 option for purchase 4/28/76
of 2000 Parking Meters and appropriation for
purchase, awarded, Duncan Industries at 1976
option price of $53.10 each, total amount of
purchase $106.200.00. Appropriation from