Parks & Recreation Department_October 1973 to March 1982PARKS & RECREATION DEPT. (Contract 27-A Date Memo #4997, assorted playground equipment for 2/19/75 Stillwater Park (Revised Memo 2/18/75) awarded, Items 2B,2C,1D,2G, Game Time, Inc., $990.19; Items 1A,1B,1C,2A,2D,2E,2F,3, Hubert Hansen, $3,500.00; Item 4, Playtimber Co., $1,995.00; total amount $6,485.19. Memo 135-82, Bid 14-82, 200 cs. of peat pellets 3/17/82 for nursery, awarded to Kimcar Distributors, Inc. quoting $37.95/cs. Bid amt: 7,590. PARKS (CONTRACTS) Memo #4200, Tatum Waterway Park construction contract awarded C. A. Davis, Inc. low bidder, total $74,937.50 27$ Date 10/3/73 PARKS & RECREATION DEPT. Contract 28 Date Memo #5403, purchase of 70 trees for Lummus 12/10/75 Park extension between 5th & 6th St., awarded, Oglesby Nursery Inc., Item 1, $3,700; Melrose Nursery and Soils - Item 2, $900; East Marsh Nursery - Item 3, $1,100 for total bid of $5,700.00. Memo #5404, purchase of 235 trees for No.Shore 12/10/75 Open Space Park, awarded, East Marsh Nursery - Item 1, $2,700; George Spurting Nursery -Items 2,3,$5,343; Everglades Sod and Landscaping - Item 4, $500, for total bid of $8,543.00.