Pipes And Fitting Contracts_February 1977 to May 1978PIPES AND FITTINGS CONTRACTS 9 Date Memo #6154, galvanized and brass fittings for 2/2/77 1 yr. Awarded, Lehman Pipe & Plumbing Supply, Inc., estimated annual expenditure, $10,000.00. Memo #6352, purchase of concrete pipe for Public Utilities Dept. with firm -price period option for 1 yr. estimated bid amount $50,854.00 awarded Ewell Industries. 6/1/77 Memo #6378, purchase of various water main pipe, 6/22/77 fittingst& valves and sale of various cast iron saleiamountd$b pipe 0u. 29 temsnawarded1to60, seven lowest bidders meeting specifications; surplus pipe and fittings sold to highest PIPES AND FITTINGS CONTRACTS 10 (continued) Date bidder, Meyer Schwartz. 6/22/77 Memo #6684, galvanized fittings and nipples for 2/1/78 1 yr., bid amount $10,000 (estimated). Awarded to lowest and best bidders meeting specifica- tions, with alternate awards should base bidder be unable to meet requirements, as follows: Galvanized Fittings - Moore Handley, Inc. Galvanized Nipples - Lehman Pipe & Sup. Brass Nipples - Lehaman Pipe & Sup. Memo #6877, purchase of reinforced concrete pipe for Public Utilities Dept, with firm - price period option. Awarded to Carns Con- crete Pipe Co,, for 6 month -firm price period 5/17/78 PIPES AND FITTINGS CONTRACTS 11 (continued) Date for current projects of $21,319. Estimated additional purchases during option period - $20,000. 5/17/78 Memo #6976, purchase of 200 lineal ft. of 36" 7/19/78 Class III reinforced concrete pipe, bid amount: $4,238.00. Awarded Carns Concrete Pipe Co. To be funded from Sewer & Streetlight Div. Bond Fund No. 6-303-2677, BFSRN-318. Memo #7365, purchase of 3500 ft. of reinforced 3/7/79 concrete pipe with reorders at same price for a 6 -month period, bid amount: $27,145.00. Awarded to Carns Concrete Pipe Co. bidding: 30"" @ $15.18/ft., 24"" @ $10.77/ft.,