Police Department_September 1966 to September 1975POLICE BOAT /,4 Book Page Contract approved for purchase of Thunderbird Cheyenne 18' police boat at the low bid of $2,450 from Langer's Outboard Service. 9=21-66 51 55 City Mgr. to furnish status report on police boat operations in M.B. 5/12/69 54 422 Administration authorized to take bids for purchase of police boat,cost not over $7200. 5/21/69 54 449 POLICE BOAT -to Seabird Industries - single engine boat - $5495,- 12-10-69 ---twin-enqine boat to same - $9965.- 12-10-69 Repair of Police Boats consideration deferred to 9/6/72. City Mgr. tomake add'1. review of bids. 8/16/72 Contract awarded to Tony's Marine Service, Inc. $5,000 for repairs during contract term. 9/6/72 Memo #5280, Painting and Repair of Police Boats 9/3/75 for 1 yr., awarded, Tony's Marine Service, Inc., estimated expenditure $6,000.00 for period 9/5/75 to 9/4/76. 2 Meeting date