Police Department_February to December 1973POLICE DEPARTMENT 7 Awarded to Merlin,Inc. $195.each per month total $9,120. 1 2/7/73 County Bid No.3887 for 10 police vehicles to Northside Motors for total $35,861.05 Federal Revenue Sharing 2/21/73 Police Revolvers,Memo 4056,awarded to Jones Equip. Co. - $20,924. 6/6/73 Memo 4282 -Purchase of 18 police vehicles fr. Dade County awarded Northside Motors,lowest bidder, $64,611.50. POLICE DEPARTMENT Memo 4322 -Office Trailer for Police Dept. awarded Baker Mobile Offices, $6,150. to be funded fr. Rev. Shrg. 11/21/73 8 12/19/73 POLICE DEPARTMENT 9 Meeting Date Memo 4325 -Police revolvers awarded Southeastern Supply Co. $5,118.10, to be funded from Fed. Rev. Shg. Period 4. 12/19/73 Memo 4355- equipment for police photo lab awarded to Berney's Photo stores for camera $1,415., Treck Photographic Inc. for enlarger $1,449.99; Fotomart for processor $7,300. less 2%; total bid $10,164.99 to be funded from Fed. Rev. Shg. Period IV. 1/16/74 Memo 4373- 13 walkie-talkie radios awarded Communications Company $10,972. to be funded from Fed. Rev. Shg. Period IV. 2/6/74