Police Department (Contracts)_April 1974 to March 1975POLICE DEPARTMENT CONTRACTS 10 Meeting tate Memo 4489- Provide and install document conveyor for Police Dept. communications control center awarded R. B. Curlin Inc. quoting $4,976.25, to be funded from Federal Revenue Sharing Funds Entitlement Period IV. 4/17/74 Memo 4490- Communications monitor for police dept. awarded Gen. Electric Co. lowest bidder meeting specifications, quoting $5,638. to be funded from Fed. Rev. Sharing Entitlement Period iv_ 4/17/74 Memo 4577 200 KW stand-by power sytem awarded to Melley Motor Supply Inc.,quoting $16,279.00. 6/5/74 POLICE DEPARTMENT CONTRACTS Memo 4580 Logging Recorder awarded to Stancil- Hoffman Corp.,quoting $17,825.00. Memo #4748, Repair of Police Boats for 1 -yr. period awarded to Tony's Marine Service, Inc., at extimated expenditure of $6,000.00, 9/5/74 thru 9/4/75. 11 6/5/74 9/19/74 Memo #4766, amendment to Council Memo #4273, 9/19/74 and Res. No. 73-14180, LEAA Grant for pur- chase of 16 five channel UHF personal portable radios. Res. No. 74-14483 adopted, amending Res. #73-14180, so as to provide for increased cost from $3,200 to $3,300 and a reduction in number of radios from 16 to 15. POLICE DEPARTMENT CONTRACTS 12 Date Memo #4897, Res. #74-14570 ado�te�d, amending 12/18/74 Resolutions #73-14180 and 77-14483, so as to increase by $258.75, City's share of payment for radios. Second amendment to Council Memo #4273 and Res. #73-14180, LEAA Grant for pur- chase of UHF Personal Portable Radios. (Co- ordinated by Dade Co.) Memo #5018, rental of 4 vehicles for police surveillance for 1 yr period awarded, Merlin Rent-A-Car, quoting $3,528.00 each car, for a total of $14,112.00 bid to include full col- lision, liability, property damage and um- brella insurance. 3/12/75