Printing_January 1962 to December 1963PRINTING
Book Page
Contract for printing 174,000 water
bills awarded to L. C. Cook Printing Co.,
$879.00 1-3-62 44 333
Contract for printing and furnishing
Issues (4,500 copies each) of M. B. Record
a yearly contract for M.B. Public Relations
Dept. awarded to Franklin Mess, $872.00
2-21-62 44 397
Contract for printing tax bills,
18,000 sets personal property tax,
13,500 sets real estate tax bills,
awarded to Gulfstream Press, $860.00
5-16-62 44 507
Book Page
Contract for hotel confirmation
reservation forms awarded to Gulfstream
Press, $358.00 6-6-62 44 527
Contract for printing 175,000 water
bills for City Clerk's office, awarded
to L. C. Cook Co., $898.00
11-21-62 45 205
Contract for printing fuel & lube
invoices for Shop Dept. awarded to
Allied Egry, $641.25 2-6-63 45 324
Contract for 40,000 sets of Purchase Order
Forms awarded to Fla. Business Forms, low
bidder, $1,424.80 5-15-63 45 449
Contract for printing tax bills
awarded to Lewis Business Forms
$946.80 5-22-63 45 467
Contract for printing water bills
awarded to L. C. Cook, $895.00
11-20-63 46 277
Contract for printing 50,000 parking
violation tickets awarded to Florida
Business Forms Co., $621.00.
City Mgr & City Clerk to pursue
their investigation into aspect of
having these tickets printed with
attached envelopes. 12-4-63 46 321
Book Page