Printing_February 1964 to January 1966PRINTING Book �9Page Contract for printing 60,000 golf score cards for Normandy Shores and Bayshore Golf Courses awarded to All Miami Press, $690.00 2-5-64 46 405 Contract for printing 20,000 sets of personal property tax bills and 14,000 sets of real estate tax bills awarded to Lewis Business Forms, $934.15. 3-4-64 46 446 Contract for printing 1,500 zoning booklets awarded to Liberty Printing Co., $663.00 4-15-64 47 2 Contract for vouchers awarded to Lewis Business Forms $1,031.11 9-17-64 47 217 PRINTING )/0 Book Page Contract for furnishing and printing 87,000 water bills awarded to L. C. Cool, Inc. $487.20. 1-6-65 48 310 Contract for printing Miami Beach "Holiday Handbook" folders awarded to Viking Litho- graphers, $18,631.00 3-3-65 48 395 Contract for printing real estate tax bills and personal property tax bills awarded to Lewis Business Forms, $974.70. 3-24-65 48 417 Contract for 40,000 sets of purchase order forms awarded to Gulfstream Press, $1,330.00 4-21-65 49 32 PRINTING Book Page Contract for printing and furnishing of 12 issues of the Miami Beach Record awarded to second low bidder Personally Yours, a Miami Beach firm. 12-16-65 49 491 Contract for 6 mos.' supply of 87,000 water bills awarded to L. C. Cook Printers, $496.00 1-5-66 50 20 Contract for printing Holiday Handbook Maps and envelopes awarded to Viking Press, $3,230,000 (Personally Yours 1-5-66 50 20 declined to bid)