Printing Contracts_January 1966 to December 1968PRINTING CONTRACTS Book Page Council authorizes issuance of 100 Election Certificates at cost of $185.00, order placed with Zenith Thermographers. 1-5-66 50 22 Contract for printing 50,000 Spanish brochures and 10,000 envelopes for Publicity Dept. awarded to Viking Lithographers, $2,280.004-15-66 50 225 Contract awarded to Viking Lithographers for $5,500, printing 100,000 Holiday Handbook Brochures. 6-5-68 53 232 PRINTING CONTRACTS 23 BOOK PAGE Contract awarded to Franklin Press for $6,936 for printing City Council's & City Manager's report to people. 9-18-68 53 454 Printing contract of "City Council and City Manager's Newsletter" --City Manager authorized by Council to negotiate for publication of newsletter on bi-monthly basis and advise. 12-4-68 54 60 Printing contract for "City Manager's and City Council's Newsletter" deferred to January 2, 1969. 12-18-68 54 98 PRINTING CONTRACTS 24 BOOK PAGE Contract awarded to Franklin Press for City Manager's and Council's Newsletter for $20.50 per thousand and for offset printing. 1-2-69 54 113 Contract awarded to Miami Beach Times for printing Auditorium and Convention Hall bulletin for $85.00 per issue for printing 750 copies, plus additional $5.00 per issue for double folding if required. 1-2-69 54 113