Contracts-Prisoners' Meals_May 1959 to April 1963CONTRACTS - PRISONERS' MEALS Book Page Contract for furnishing prisoners' meals awarded to Al's Restaurant (1 yr. to June 30, 1960 incl.) 5-6-59 42 59 PRISONERS' MEALS (CONTRACTS) Book Page6 Contract for furnishing prisoners' meals for 1 yr. starting July 1, 1961, awarded to Al's Restaurant $15,572. - Res. #10573 6-21-61 44 100 Bids for prisoners' meals received. City Mgr. recommends contract be awarded to low bidder. Discussion re. bidders' restaurant operations. Motion to award contract to low bidder fails. Action on award of contract deferred. 6-_6-62 44 526 PRISONERS' MEALS (CONTRACTS) Contract for prisoners' meals awarded to Royal Luncheonette $15,778.00 for 1 year 7/162 to and incl. 6/30/63. Res. 410778 authorizing agreement. 6-20=62 44 548 Award of contract for furnishing prisoners' meals tabled until next 373 & meeting. 3-20-63 45 374 Book 1age Contract for prisoners' meals for 1 yr. beginning July 1, 1963 awarded to Royal Luncheonette (present contract holder) $15,060.00. Agreement to be prepared. 4-3-63 45 391