Radio Equipment (Contracts)_December 1959 to February 1966n�6i© � pmen� RADIO EQUIPMENT BOOK PAGE Contractsfor radio testing equipment awarded. 12-2-59 42 384 Contract for radio equipment for Fire Dept. awarded, except Item 4. 361 Contract for Item 4 awarded to Motorola, Inc. Councilman Richard comments on way specifications for bids in general are drawn; Mr. Pushkin comments. Councilman Powell comments re. complaints received regarding specifications for motor vehicles. 3-6-63 45 362 SIO gQUIPMENT Bids for misc. radio equipment for" Civil Defense rejected, readvertisement authorized. 1-5-66 50 20 Contract for ten 150 mc 2freq. FM portable radio units for Civil Defense awarded to Motorola Communications, $7,030.00 1-5-66 BOOK Page 50 20 Contract for radio equipment for Civil Defense Communications System awarded to Mototola Comm. & Equip.,Ft. Lauderdale, $10,208.00 2-16-66 50 103