Radio Equipment (Contracts)_May 1966 to February 1969RADIO 1QUIPMENT Contract for 450 mc mobile radio units, complete with accessory group mounting kit and antenna awarded to Motorola C. & E. Inc. $12,454.00. City Mgr. requests report on reason why units previously purchased were higher priced. 5-18-66 50 304 Contract awarded to Motorola Communications & Electronics, Inc. for 5 Handie-Talkies and 11 2 -way radios, $8,355.50. 7-6-67 52 91 �- Book Page RADIO EQUIPMENT 8 .. BOOK PAGE Contract awarded to Dumont Mobile Communications Div. LTV/LING Altec, Inc. for 9 Handy Talkies and spare parts for $5,112.97. 2-21-68 53 23 Bid #301 radio equip. as follows: Items 1 & 5 to Chattronics, Inc. $4,200 s 190, respectively. 2/5/69 54 174 &175 Item #2 - Mobile Communications of Miami - $1,507.50. 2/5/69 54 174 Item #3 - RCA - quoting $,4288 2/5/69 54 174 RADIO EQUIPMENT Item #4 -General Elec. - $18,466 2/5/69 9 BOOK PAGE 54 174