Radio Equipment (Contracts)_April 1978 to July 1979RADIO EQUIPMENT (Contracts) 14 Date Memo #6783, purchase of radio equipment under 4/5/78 State GSA Contract, file reference #45-78, bid amount: $7,074.00. Awarded, General Electric Co.; sources of funds set forth in Council Memo #6783. Memo #9929, purchase of radios for Kawasaki motorcycles,reference No. 80-78, under Federal GSA Contract, total purchase: $10,777.55. Awarded, General Electric Co. (7 radios, in- cludes one spare, unit cost $1,539.65). 6/7/78 Memo #6930, purchase of radio equipment and 6/7/78 accessories, reference No. 81-78, under RADIO EQUIPMENT (Contracts) 15 (continued) Date Federal GSA Contract, purchase amount: $11,122.00. Awarded, General Electric Co. 6/7/78 Memo #6966, providing 4 nickel cadmium bat- 6/28/78 teries and accessories for emergency police and fire communications backup. Awarded, Larco Battery Service. Memo #7348, purchase of portable radios and accessories for Metered Parking System under State Contract No. 725-52-79-1, bid amount: $5,113.00 awarded, General Electric Co. 2/21/79 Memo #7480, purchase of 46 replacement two-way 5/2/79 walkie talkie radios for Police Dept. from RADIO EQUIPMENT (Contracts (continued) State Contract (Ref. No. 43-79), amount: $48,770.00. Awarded to Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc., bidding $1,060.22 per unit, under Fla. State Contract No. 725-52-79-1, pending receipt of purchase approval by State Communications Division. 16 Date 5/2/79 Memo #7577, State of Fla. Contract 725-52-79-1, 7/18/79 ratification of emergency purchase of 27 walkie talkies for Police Dept. Police Officer Helpers. Bid amount and funding: $34,695.00 total acqui- sition cost. Immediate outlay for current FY is $4,956.42. Balance will be encumbered against 1979/80 CETA Grant. Funds for current FY payments