Recreation Department_February 1962 to June 1976RECREATION DEPT. Contract for gas chlorinator for Recreation Dept. awarded to Logan Construction Co., $620.00 2-21-62 44 397 Contract for 16" radial power saw for Recreation Dept. awarded to Erdheim Hardware, $522.49 3-7-62 44 407 Change orders 1-8 approved to The Sabre Corporation, Utility Building for Parks & Recreation Department -nursery complex, addition to contract $3,711.50. 1-10-68 52 500 At 2/21/68 meeting, Mayor Dermer indicated pass vote recorded for him re. Sabre Corp. 1-10-68 52 500 Book Page RECREATION DIVISION CONTRACTS 2 Meeting Date Memo #4638, Bus Service Contract for 7/10/74 Recreation Div. for 1 yr. effective 7/15/74, awarded A & M School Bus Service, $10.00 per hr., min. rental $40.00; estimated expenditure for 1 yr., $6,000.00. Memo #5219, rental of buses for Parks & Rec. Dept. programs for 1 yr., deferred to 8/6/75. V.M. Meyerson requested Admin. to determine whether successful bidder would be willing to increase liability insurance to the extent of $300,00/$1,000,000. V.M. Meyerson indicated he wanted $1,000,000 umbrella liability as an override, and requested that the Council be 7/16/75 RECREATION DIVISION CONTRACTS 3 Date furnished with copies of the insurance. 7/16/75 Memo #5219, rental of buses for Parks & Rec. 8/6/75 Dept. programs for 1 yr., awarded A & M School Bus Service, $10.00 per hr., minimum hours per trip, 5; estimated annual expenditure $6,000. Memo #5747, 15 -passenger bus for Rec. Div. (Mentally Retarded Program), awarded Spitzer Motors of Miami, Inc., quoting $6,492.18, to be funded as follows: $3,500 donated by "Friends of the Retarded"; $2,992.18 from Parks & Rec. Acct. #0932-2-513. Parks & Rec. Director advised that City has applied for grant to fund future purchases, but that at 6/16/76