Recreation Division Contracts_June 1976 to June 1978RECREATION DIVISION CONTRACTS 4
(continued) Date
this time there are no funds available for
this vehicle. 6/16/76
Memo #5799, rental of buses for Parks and Re- 7/21/76
creation Dept. programs for 1 yr. awarded,
*American Sightseeing Tours and **A & M School
Bus Service, total estimated annual expenditure,
$15,000. *Air-conditioned. **Non -air con-
(ADD-ON) Memo #5839, negotiated bid for transport 8/4/76
of teens to and from Georgia Theme Park for Parks
& Rec. Dept. Teen Award Program, awarded on nego-
tiated basis, to Trailways Travel Bureau Corp.
for three 38 -passenger buses, at $1,380.00 for
(continued) Date
three days rental rate for each, for total of
$4,140.00 plus liability insurance cost. 8/4/76
Memo #6351, rental of buses for Recreation 6/1/77
Dept. programs for 1 yr. estimated bid
amount $5,000.00 awarded, A & M Bus Service.
Memo #6779, purchase of various items of tennis 4/5/78
maintenance supplies, bid amount: $4,079.00.
Awarded, Shade Corp. of America, Item 1,
$750.00; Blumenfeld Sport Net Co., Items 2,3,4,
6,7,8, quoting $3,201.00; Agile Courts Constr.
Co., Item 5, quoting $128.00. Administration
authorized to re -bid Item 9 informally.
Memo #6866, purchase of assorted sporting goods, 5/3/78
bid amount $9,897.58. Awarded, Morley Athletic
Supply, 36 items ($4,380.50); Zipp Sporting
Goods, 13 items ($2,158.30); Royal Sports, 8
items ($403.98); Reisler Bros. Sport Shop, 3
items $2,697.60); Webster's Sports, 2 items
Memo #6932, providing Bus Rental and/or lease 6/7/78
for CMB Recreational Dept. for 1 -yr. period,
bid amount: $7,000.00 (estimated). Admini-
stration's recommendation to reject bids for
1 -yr. period, and to award bid on lease basis
for 10 weeks at $250.00 per week, to 1150 Enter-
prises, Inc., d/b/a Johnson Bus Service,approved.