Recreation Division Contracts_August 1978 to April 1979RECREATION DIVISION CONTRACTS 7
Memo #7030, rental and/or lease of busses for 8/2/78
Recreation Dept. programs for a 3 -month period
effective 8/7/78 with a second 3 -month renewal
option (rebid of No. 70-78), bid amount:
$3,500 (estimate). Awarded A & M Bus Rentals.
Memo #7420, assorted items of sporting goods 4/4/79
equipment for City Recreation Programs, bid
amount: $14,288.22. Awarded as follows, with
alternate awards authorized to next responsive
bidder, should any low bidders default thru
Bidder Items Low Award
American Pro 11 $1,196.95
Zipp Sporting Goods 32 4,299.92