Removal Of Building Contracts_June 1975 to September 1976REMOVAL OF BUILDING CONTRACTS 25
(cont'd) Date
time during which to submit necessary plans to
meet all Codes. City Mgr, to meet with City
Atty. Public Works and Planning and Zoning Di-
rectors and report back to Council as to action
being taken., (Status R por LTC 301-75 attached 6/4/75
1`A rector s I p oyipc i 1 ef,i e) LTC 350-75 "
Memo #5191, removal of buildings at 8612 Col- 6/18/75
lins Ave.; 225 - 86th St, & 225 - 79th St.,
for No. Shore Open Space Park, MP -41, awarded
A. Russo & Son Demolition, quoting $2,394.00,
Memo #5282, removal of building at 710-742 Wash- 9/3/75
ington Ave., awarded Big Chief, Inc., quoting
Memo #5438, removal of building at 8010 Collins 12/17/75
Ave. and 225 -82nd St. for No. Shore Open Space,
MP -41, awarded A. Russo and Sons quoting
Memo #5673, removal of buildings at 833 West 4/28/76
Ave., (Norton Apts.). Owner appeared and re-
quested action be deferred in view of pending
hearing before Brd. of Adjustment on May 7.
Matter accordingly deferred to May 19, 1976,
Memo #5673, removal of building at 833 West 7/7/76
Ave., MP -106, owner appeared and requested
deferment until action has been taken on his
application to Brd. of Adjustment, on
(continued) Date
July 23, 1976, for a variance. Consideration
deferred to give owner opportunity to exhaust
administrative remedies. Matter to be placed
on Aug. 4, 1976 agenda for Council's final
disposition. 7/7/76
Memo #5873, removal of buildings at 8028, 8140, 9/15/76
8300,8328 and 8528 Collins Ave., for No. Shore
Open Space, MP -41, awarded Ben Hurwitz, Inc.
quoting $6,200.00.
Memo #5673, removal of building at 833 West
Ave., MP -106, (deferred from 7/7/76), contract
awarded to A. Russo & Sons, Inc., quoting
$5,696.00. Appropriation of $6,000 from