Removal Of Building Contracts_September 1976 to November 1977REMOVAL OF BUILDING CONTRACTS 28 (continued) Date Contingency Fund approved. City Atty. authorized to place lien against subject property to recover all expenses. 9/15/76 Memo #6120, removal of building at 21 Washington 1/19/77 Ave, MP -115. Bid rejected, Administration author- ized to readvertise for new bids. Mrs. Sylvia Shapiro appeared and requested that City expedite removal of this building. City Mgr. advised that bids had been received and were scheduled for award at this meeting; however, the City Atty. advised that award should be deferred to March 2, 1977, to give owner opportunity to exhaust administrative remedies. 2/16/77 REMOVAL OF BUILDING CONTRACTS 29 Date Memo #6206, removal of building at 21 Wash- 3/2/77 ington Ave. MP -115. Contract awarded to ABC Demolition Corp. quoting $17,800.00. Appropri- ation of $19,500.00 from Contingency Funds, for contract, inspection and contingency approved. City Atty. authorized to place lien against subject property to recover all expenses. Coun- cil failed to approve request of atty. for owner to defer contract award for 2 weeks. Removal of building at 21 Washington Ave., MP -115, Memo #6325, change order No. 1 (exten- sion of contract time) amount: 8 days, approved. 5/4/77 REMOVAL OF BUILDING CONTRACTS 30 Date Memo #6564, removal of building at 961 W. 48th 11/2/77 St., MP -129, bid amount: $39,444.00. Owner of building appeared and objected to fact that City received only two bids, and the price for work to be done. Per his request for a time extension in order that he may seek bids and have work done on his own, 25 -day extension granted, within which time owner is to obtain a demolition contract and demolition permit. Contract awarded to ABC Demo- lition Corp. subject to cancellation at no cost to City if owner obtains demolition contract with- in 25 days and commences demolition. Appropriation from Contingency Funds, for contract, approved, should City proceed with demolition, and City Atty. authorized to place lien against subject property