Removal Of Building Contracts_November 1977 to February 1979REMOVAL OF BUILDING CONTRACTS (continued) to recover all expenses. 31 Date 11/2/77 Memo #6714, removal of building at 961 W. 48th 2/15/78 St., MP -129. Awarded to ABC Demolition Corp., at its $39,444 bid, conditioned upon failure of owner to commence demolition on or before 2/27/78. Should City have to proceed with demolition, ap- propriation from Contingency Fund, to fund contract, approved. City Atty. authorized to place a lien against subject property to recover all expenses. In response to Comm, Weisburd's request for a 3/1/78 status report, Public Utilities Director advised that owner of building had not obtained required demolition permit and therefore the City s con- tractor will proceed to demolish the building. REMOVAL OF BUILDING CONTRACTS Memo #7155, bids rejected since oowner is g�� l uca i doikveundhs i doamolint: �j � 4�+4g08t for removal, MP -138. 32 Date 11/1/78 Memo #7313, removal of building at 1017 Meridian 2/7/79 Ave (3 -story CBS), MP -138, amount: $28,780.00, removed from agenda by Administration. Memo #7313, removal of building at 1017 Merid- 2/21/79 ian Ave. (3 -story CBS), MP -138, amount:$23,780.00 Withdrawn at request of City Mgr. who advised that this matter has been handled administra- tively.