Bridges (Contracts)_March 1961 to November 1966BRIDGES (CONTRACTS) 23
Book Page
Contracts for painting various bridges
in Miami Beach awarded to low bidders.
3-15-61 44 4
Contract for Repairs to Star Island Bridge
(38-B) awarded to Ebsary Foundation Co.,
$11,414.50 3-6-62 44 407
Appropriation of 412,000 authorized from
Engineering Capital Outlay Budget 944
for above repairs to Star Island Bridge
3-7-62 44 408
Contract for widening bridge across Collins
Canal at Alton Road awarded to Atlantic . Agobie
Foundation Co., Inc., $99,356.00. Appropri-
ation from 155 Bond Fun 7-18-62 45 29
Book Page
Contract for pile restoration for Normandy
Waterway Bridges awarded to Republic
Builders, Inc. $5,632.50 11-4-64 47 299
Contract for repairs to Palm Island Bridge
awarded to Beloff Painting Co. $5,234.90
2-17-65 48 356
Contract for guniting Hibiscus Island
Bridge awarded to Beloff Painting Co.
$6,901.00 6-16-65 49 125
Contract for pile restoration for
85th St. and 47th St. Bridges
awarded to Dock Marine Const. Co.,
$5,021.44 8-3-66 50 456
Book Page
Contract for alterations and
additions to Park View Island Bridge
awarded to Little River Marine
Construction Co., $8,493. 8-17-66 50 479
Contract for repairs to Henedon Ave. &
Daytonia Rd. bridges awarded to Gunite
Constr. & Rentals, Inc., $9,840.
51 153