Sewage Transmission Facilities (Contracts)_June 1977 to March 1978SEWAGE TRANSMISSION FACILITIES (Contracts) 12 (continued) Date as to whether the change could have been fore- seeable or was due to negligence. 6/1/77 Memo #6407, change order #R-7, additional work 7/6/77 and contract time extension, amount: increase $4,880.00, 14 days on sewage transmission fa- cilities to Va. Key, P-19, approved. Memo #6447, change order No. S-7, (additional 8/3/77 work) amount: increase $420.0 = approved., Sew- age Transmission to va. Key, 15 Memo #6498, change order #S-8, (additional work) 9/7/77 Sewage Transmission to Virginia Key, P-19, amount: increase $840.00 approved. SEWAGE TRANSMISSION FACILITIES (Contracts) Memo #6574, change order #3-6 (additional work), amount: increase $1,097.14 approved. Memo #6656, Res. #78-15550 adopted, approving tentative award of Contract_6A to Powell Bros., Inc., quoting $2,753,779, and Contract 6B to Intercounty Construction Corp., quoting $4,287,541, subject to EPA approval. (Total award $7,041,320) P-19 (deferred from 1/18/78). Commission also approved estimated total pro- ject cost of $7,901,008, which includes addi- tional $859,688 required for project engineering services and other expenses. Appropriation of $1,975,252 from unappropriated balance of 11/2/71 Sewage Treatment Bond issue, approved. 13 Date 11/2/77 2/15/78 SEWAGE TRANSMISSION FACILITIES (Contracts) 14 Date Facilities for transmitting sewage to Va. Key, 3/1/78 P-19, change orders under $1,000. CONTRACT R 1.Memo #6727, change order #R-9, additional work, amount: increase $230.00, approved. 2.Memo #6728, change order #R-11, additional work, amount: increase $677.00, approved. 3.Memo #6729, change order #R-13, additional work, amount: increase $564.32, approved. 4.Memo #6730, change order #R-15, additional work, amount: increase $94.42, approved. 5.Memo #6731, change order #R-16, additional work, amount: increase $315.00, approved. 6.Memo #6732, change order #R-17, additional work, amount: increase $779.55, approved.