Bridges (Contracts)_January 1967 to March 1976BRIbGES (CONTRACTS) Book Page 26
Contract for construction of reinforced
concrete foot bridge from Park View
Island to Tatum Waterway D r. , awarded
to Atlantic Foundation Co., $27,138.
1-18-67 51 343
Bridge contract change order approved -
Gunito Construction & Rentals, Inc. to
include repairs to Cleveland Rd . bridge.
2-8-67 51 376
Contract with Gunite Construction extended
to cover repairs to bridge at 81st S t . and
Hawthorne Ave., at original unit price
(for approx. total cost of $5,000).
51 447
Contract awarded to Campbells Pressure Grouting
& Gunite Co., Inc. for $12,980.00 for repair
of Noremac Ave. Bridge, the East Bridge of
Sunset #1 & South Bridge of Sunset #3. 10-9-68 53 482
Emergency contract to Campbell Pressure Grouting
Co. ,rehabilitation of Sunset I s . #4 bridge,
$3200, funds from Extraordinary Repairs Acct.
No. 2205 (Work Order 2514). 4/16/69
54 365
Meeting Date
Gun i t i ng repairs to 3 bridges awarded
to Pressure Concrete Const. Co. -$12,063. 6/7/72
?or)/ -607'l
Memo #5308, sandblasting and painting structural
steel for various bridges, MP -101 , awarded,
Pompano Coating Co., quoting $23,575.00.
Memo #5514, construction of bridge over Collins 2/4/76
Canal at Prairie Ave., for Civic Center, B-45,
awarded Sam Clark & Assoc, Inc. quoting
$371 429.00 and funds in amount of $525,000
authorized to be appropriated from 11/6/73
Bond Issue.
Memo #5576, additional engineering fee for 3/3/76
bridge over Col l i ns Canal at Prairie Ave. for
Civic Center, B-45. Contract with Herbert S.
Saff i r to provide for additional payment of !06)4