Sewers Contracts_June 1958 to August 1960Cv f ;-t-1 v\CIS SEWER CONTRACTS 54 Book Page Contract for miscellaneous storm sewers awarded to Scott Stanley & Sons, $50,628.92 6-18-58 4o 475 Contract for storm sewer in 30th St. from Indian Creek Dr. to Collins Ave. awarded to Joe Reinertson, $11,709.5o 8-6-58 41 31 Contracts for sewer lift station equipment awarded 7-1-59 42 145 Contract for addition to Normandy Isle sewer pumping station awarded to Nat Harrison 7-15-59 42 185 SEWER CONTRACTS 55 Book Page Contract for 107 -SR Storm Sewers awarded to Intercounty Construction Corp., $26,352.25 10-7-59 42 325 Contract for sewer lift stations (3) at 85th St., North Shore and 63rd St. awarded to Gallagher Co. of Omaha, Neb. $517.44 7-6-60 43 125 Contract for sanitary sewers in llth St. from Jefferson Ave. to Alton Rd. & Alton Rd. from 10th to 14th Sts. (108 -SR) awarded to Marks Bros. Co. $80,568.00 8-3-60 43 168